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Cold War Crisis Interview mit CCI

CnC-Inside hat mit unserer Partnerseite Cold War Crisis ein schönes Interview gemacht:

Mein mittlerweile 8. Interview geht mit Shadow und Widowmaker der beliebten Mod Cold War Crisis. Ich denke sie ist hinreichend bekannt und ich brauche nicht mehr viel über sie zu sagen. Ansonsten findet ihr Infos unter Frage 1. Viel Spaß beim lesen!

Hi Widowmaker und Shadow, bitte stelle dich und dein Projekt Cold War Crisis doch kurz einmal vor.

Widowmaker: Ich bin 24 Jahre alt, der Skinner von Cold War Crisis und extrem Photoshopsüchtig! Zum Skinnen kam ich durch unseren Modeller SFC ca. Dezember 2003, als er mich fragte, ob ich mal ein Model skinnen könnte. Davor habe ich noch nie ein Skin gemacht und so kam ich dazu. Mein erstes Skin war übrigens eine P-51 Mustang für The Finest Hour.

Cold War Crisis spielt in der Endphase des eskalierten kalten Krieges 1980-1989. Wir wollen ausschließlich realistische Einheiten verwenden und es wird die drei Parteien USA, UdSSR und eine fiktive Europäische Allianz geben. Der Krieg findet hierbei auf europäischem Boden statt. Atomraketen wird es dabei allerdings nicht geben.

SHADOW: Ich bin 24 Jahre alt und studiere Geschichte an der Uni Tübingen. Zum Modden kam ich als SFC und Widowmaker bei The Finest Hour eingestiegen sind und sie mich überredeten dort als historischer Berater mitzumachen. Bei Cold War Crisis bin ich für die Einheitenliste, die Überprüfung der Models und die PR-Arbeit zuständig….. Zum Artikel!

Englische Version
For our english-speakers:

Hi Widowmaker and Shadow, would you please introduce yourself and
Your project Cold War Crisis shortly?

I’m 24 years old, the skinner of CWC and extremely
Photoshop-adicted. Our modeler SFC brought me to skinning in december
2003 when he asked me if I would skin a model. I had never made a skin before
and that’s how I came there. By the way, my first skin was the P-51 Mustang
for The Finest Hour.

CWC is set in the final stage of the escalating Cold War between 1980-1989.
We want only realistic units and there will be the three parties ,the USA, the USSR
and the fictional European Alliance. The war will take place in europe, but there
will be no nukes.

I’m aged 24 and studying history at the university of Tübingen. I started modding
when Widowmaker and SFC joined The Finest Hour and convinced me
to act as historical adviser. At CWC, my jobs are doing the Unitlist, checking
the models and PR.

We started CWC about one year ago because we weren’t too pleased with
the work at The Finest Hour.

Did you work on other Mod projects before CWC, maybe for other games/engines?

Before CWC, our whole team worked for several weeks at The Finest Hour.
Except that, we don’t have any experience with modding.

Why did you choose the Cold War as background? Was the reason another game,
one of the older movies of interest in scenario and technic ?

As we started our Mod project, we thought about which scenario is interesting
and still not used. A large part of the team are fans of Operation: Flashpoint and
that’s why we decided to take the escalating Cold War as background. The name
is a tribute to the game,too (Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis).The European Alliance
was added because three armies give the game more depth.

Why have you decided to use the Generals engine, with a little overhaul you could
use your models in a far more modern engine?

There are several reasons:
1. Moding Generals is pretty easy.
2. We started with Generals and it would be a lot of work and to time-consuming
to change it now.
3. We put great emphasis on the graphics and simply wanted to see what
you can get out of the Generals engine.

Will your Mod be more tactical and realistic than the normal Generals (Infantry does
no damage to tanks and dies quicker etc. ) ?

Yes, it will be. Infantry won’t be able to do much vs. tanks, the weapons
will have more realistic characteristics than in Generals. Nonetheless, CWC won’t
be 100% realism due to gameplay related reasons.

Will there be missions in your mod? If yes: What about? Will there be a story or just a series of battles like in Generals?

We will have missions for every side for sure. Opposed to Generals, they won’t
be single missions in a row but connected by a real storyline. I can’t give you any
details yet, only so far: It is going to be explained why the war starts and why the
European Alliance is formed. There will be historical events, but accordingly edited.

There won’t be an European Alliance in the first Public Beta, can you give us a few details anyway?

The European Alliance will offer a good mix of units and so be an all-round-army.
It will be a little Best-Of ,more or less, of the units in Europe at that time. The EA
posseses special abilities we don’t want to talk about yet.

Will there be generals, and if yes: Who?

No, since generals don’t exactly fit into our game.

Will the units talk in their native voices? Will the europeans have differnet voices?

Yes, they will, the US troops talking American English and the Sowjets real Russian.
About the europeans we aren’t quite sure yet if they will talk accented English or
the particular native language.

What about music? Do you have your own componists, will you take the music from Generals or other music fiting to the country?

Well, we have a band which offered us to create the soundtrack.
The normal ZH music doesn’t fit to CWC. (e.g. chinese melodies while playing
the USSR is a bit strange)

What about General Powers and superweapons?

We won’t have any superweapons since they don’t fit into our game.
On the other hand, we will have quite a number of General Powers, some
pretty strong. An example is the soviet TU-95 (Upgrade to TU-160) attack
which creates a bomb carpet by the meaning of the word. The USA utilize,
besides others, a B-52 with 4 Cruise Missiles. There are less destructive abilities too,
like reconnaisance aircraft (E3-Sentry/AWACS).

Anything else you want to tell the community?

Thanks for your great feedback! You may tell us your opinion if you don’t like
something that well. We are always willing to listen to constructive critic.
You can register at our forum if you like, it’s pretty active and you can meet
Nice people there. If you want to know more, all your questions will be answered gladly.

If you find an error in my translation, you may print it out
and hang it over your bed or use it as toilet paper.

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