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Filed under: C&C Zero:Hour Mods, Mac, PC

Halogen Contest beendet

Vor etwas längerer Zeit startete ein Wettbewerb von der Zero Hour Modifikation Halogen[/url]. Nun stehen die 3 Hauptgewinner fest. Die Aufgabe bestand darin, ein Layout zu entwerfen, welches man sich eventuell ausdrucken kann oder sogar die Möglichkeit haben wird, eine Kopie zu bestellen wo dann nur Selbstkosten anfallen werden.

>>>>>>Platz 1>>>>>>>Platz 2>>>>>>>Platz 3<<<<<<<[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [MEHR] [color=red][i]Zitat von der Halogen Seite über die 3 Gewinner und deren Layouts.[/i][/color] [quote]Third Place was an especially tough position to fill, there were many submissions that were very close to winning, perhaps as time goes on we’ll repost some of them around the forums. In the end, the winner was decidedly Neil, with his cover submission. Its very official presentation earned it many votes. Second place was awarded to Swarm, for his submission. The back cover in this design was especially well rounded and was not too cluttered, and the front cover maintained consistent quality, which made it an easy candidate for victory. First place was awarded to Jakob, though, for his submission that proves simplicity can make a very nice design. Jakob’s consistent use of a blue theme was very complementary to the cold, dark space throughout the entire design.[/quote]

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