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Filed under: C&C 3 Tiberium Wars, PC

Multiplayer X-Box Hand-On

Die Jungs der X-Box[/URL] Abteilung haben ein Multiplayer Hands-On für die X-Box 360 Version von Tiberium Wars auf die Beine gestellt. Neben 2 Seiten Text wurden auch einige Bilder bzw. Videos den jeweiligen Sektionen hinzugefügt.

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Ein kleiner Ausschnitt des Hand-Ons:

The next gametype we played was Capture the Flag, in which player had to use their units to, you guessed it, capture a flag. The flag spawned in the middle of the playing field, so your best bet is to create as many quick units as you can as fast as humanly possible. Unlike some CTF games, the flag respawns at its original spot when the enemy carrying it dies, so it pays to leave a few infantry units in that area if you send the rest of your men after the baddies.

Den neusten „Live Vision“ Trailer könnt ihr euch in 1024×720[/URL] oder 640×320[/URL] anschauen.

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