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Filed under: C&C 3 Tiberium Wars, PC

Patch 1.06 im Juli

Zwar wird kein konkretes Datum genannt, doch sagt Greg das wir uns nicht zu sehr auf die 1. Juli-Woche freuen sollen.

Just to repeat one of the points in this topic in order to give it more emphasis: We are aware of the issues in 1.05 that are of greatest concern to you, and fixing those issues is our top priority. As for the July release date of the next patch, bear in mind that July begins the week after next. So the reference to the release date was intended to suggest to you that the patch wouldn’t be out as soon as next week, nor would it come as late as August. I can’t promise a specific date, assure you we will continue to do everything we can to push for an early-July release as opposed to a mid- or late-July release.

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