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Filed under: C&C 3 Tiberium Wars, PC

C&C 3: Tiberium Wars MAC Patch 1.08 Welcome Mac Users

Auf der Offiziellen Seite von Command and Conquer gibt es seit gestern Abend den Patch 1.08 für alle Apple Macintosh User (MAC) zum Downloaden.

Welcome all MAC users to the world of Command & Conquer 3! To those of you who have been waiting patiently to get online and engage in multiplayer, wait no longer! Please follow the instructions below and download the MAC Patch 1.08. This patch will enable online play so you can take your GDI, Nod, or Scrin units and wage war against all MAC & PC users!

Somit können auch alle MAC besitzer in den genuß des Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Mulitplayer kommen, befolgt einfach die untere Install Anweisung.

Zum Patch Download

—Double-click the ZIP file. It’ll automatically unpack itself into the patcher.
—Double-click the Patcher.
—Click on the button “Select Command and Conquer 3 App”
—Navigate to the Command and Conquer 3 App, click Open.
—The Patch will be applied.
—Close Patcher.

DONE! :top:

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