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Patch 1.01 Infos & Ladder Season 2

Quantum hat dem EALA General Manager Mike Verdu sowie den EA Games President Frank Gibeau angeschrieben mit der Frage ob der Patch für Kanes Wrath, in einigen Wochen veröffentlicht werde. Apoc bestätigte im EA Forum, dass der Patch bereits in der finalen Phase sei und innerhalb der nächsten zwei Wochen fertig werde.

Wie Apoc berichtet, hat er sich erst Heute zu dem Patch 1.01 geäußert, da er keine falschen Hoffnungen auf eine verfrühte Fertigstellung des Patches & Patch Note machen wollte. Die aktuellen Änderungen gegenüber den ursprünglichen Balancing-Änderungen basieren auf das Feedback der C&C Community. Sicher scheint jedenfalls zu sein, dass neben dem Desychbug, Exploids eine Fülle von Balancing-Änderungen im Patch 1.01 vorgenommen werden.

Laut Apoc dürfen wir nächste Woche mit einer Liste der Änderungen im Patch für Kanes Wrath rechnen.

Außerdem wird die Ladder Season 2 im gleichen Zeitraum wie der Patch 1.01 Release starten, die größte Veränderung in der Ladder Season 2 ist folgendes Verbot: Jeder Spieler darf nur mit einem Account in den Top 100 Spielen. Sollte ein Spieler trotzdem mit mehreren Accounts im TOP 100 Ladder Spielen, werden alle Accounts des Spielers zurückgesetzt. Bei erneuten Regelverstoß wird der Spieler vom Ladder disqualifiziert.



Hey everyone,

I was on this very e-mail which Quantum sent to EALA General Manager Mike Verdu and EA Games President Frank Gibeau. I wanted to further reaffirm that the patch is nearing it’s final testing stages and less than a few weeks away from release. I have been reluctant to post an update this past week because I did not want to lead you guys on with any false hope until I knew for certain an outlook on the timeline and our final change-list. We have gone back and made a number of changes to the original balance list based on feedback across the community. Early next week I will post that list.

The Ladder Season 2 will start around the same time frame as the patch and I am 100% confident you guys are going to like this patch quite a bit. It will address all the major desync issues, exploit issues, and a wealth of balance changes, and when I say wealth, it’s fairly extensive. But that’s the price to pay when you have 9 factions in your game.

At any rate, the e-mail noted below is absolutely official, I would have posted it this morning myself if Quantum didn’t beat me to =)

Support is very near,

Several days ago I sent an email to EAGames president Frank Gibeau. I received two replies, one from him and one from Mike Verdu, General Manager. Mr. Gibeau was very polite and friendly and said that based on my email he contacted Mr. Verdu. Here is Mr. Verdu’s response. It follows the gist of Apoc’s posts, but at least now we know that people high up in the chain of command are aware of the problem and taking accountability for getting it resolved.

„From: Verdu, Mike [redacted]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 9: 28 AM
To: CHAPMAN, BRIAN K [AG/1000]; Gibeau, Frank; Kaufman, Aaron
Subject: RE: Command and Conquer 3 patch


I completely understand why you are frustrated by the long wait for the Kane’s Wrath patch. It was our intention to patch Kane’s Wrath within a few weeks of release but as Apoc has alluded to in his posts, the team found itself pulled between competing priorities and we wound up with an unacceptable delay in generating the patch. I acknowledge that our internal resource allocation issues shouldn’t affect our customers and I apologize on behalf of the team, the studio, and EA for the delay – and for the issues that created the need for the patch in the first place.

During the month of May I authorized resources from another team to do the work on the Kane’s Wrath patch. A number of desync issues were fixed and the team made several balance changes which were vetted with the community. The patch is now undergoing quality assurance and will soon be submitted to our internal certification process for release. I am hopeful that the patch will be out within two weeks.

Please feel free to post my response to you on the forums.

Mike Verdu
General Manager“

Message was edited by: EA Apoc (C&C)

Hey everyone,

We are considering a rule in Ladder Season 2 for Kane’s Wrath where you can only have 1 username in the top 100. If you have any extra smurf accounts in the top 100, your account (and all your other names) will automatically be reset to the bottom of the ladder. And, if we catch you a second time, you will be disqualified from the ladder season.

From a technical standpoint, we do not have a system in place at this current time to lock one ladder username per cd key. This is our solution to the matter for now, to help promote sportsmanship among the top ranks. In the future, specifically with Red Alert 3, we are looking into a technical solution.

If we move forward with this rule, we will be checking the ladder on a weekly basis, and reseting accounts that do not obey this sportmanship rule.

We understand this is a very sensitive topic, but we feel it is a growing issue and has become perceived as unsportsman-like conduct, and is preventing other players from reaching the higher ranks.

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