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MPT verschiebt sich

Wie Shanahan-EA über E-Mail mitteilte, wird der Versand der Generals Beta CD’s sich leider um einige wenige Tage verschieben.

Welcome Soldiers!

All of the acceptance e-mails have been sent out, congratulations to those
who made it!

As you know from my previous postings, it was a huge task just to sift
through all the registrations, checking for bad information, multiple
signups, and invalid mailing addresses, so thank you for your patience. Most
everyone filled out the application correctly but there were a few that
forgot vital information such as e-mail address or mailing address…DOH!

While I was narrowing down the final participants, I asked the team if they
wanted some extra time to spit shine a few features and double time some
last minute balance changes before the official public inspection by you,
the newly recruited Generals. Being the passionate professionals they are,
the resounding answer was „YES!“, their dedication to give you the best
possible experience has gone beyond the call of duty . Each and every one of
the team members has been working through lunch and staying late on their
own accord just because they really believe in giving you the best
experience possible.

„So Shan, what does all this mean?“…glad you asked. What it means is while
I finish up with the Senior Admissions Officer of the GIA (yes, those agency
folk are slow) they are going to finish polishing/balancing a few things, so
I will have the discs out to you a few days later than expected. I will keep
you updated daily on the progress and let you know when the first stage of
mailed discs is ready to go.

Once again, thank you for your patience and I know once you see the game you
will forgive me for making you wait a bit longer! 🙂


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