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Neues Spitzen Mappack von Henry666

Heute gibt es ein echt tolles Mappack von Henry666, mit der neusten Karte namens Airport die einfach wunderschön geworden ist, danke an Henry666 für die tolle Arbeit:)

Beschreibung: Diese Mappack enthält die neuste Karte von Henry666 namens AIRPORT für Act of War: High Treason. Die Karte gibt es in verschiedenen Versionen: 2 Player, 3 Player, 4 Player, 6 Player, 8 Player und natürlich gibt es noch die 2 Player Karte mit mehr Resourcen und befestigungen.

Eine wirklich klasse Karte die ein Pflicht Download für jeden Act of War: High Treason Fan ist. :top:


Inspired by the original singleplayer JFK Airport mission I made a couple of maps taking place on an airport. Settings, resources and layout are different on each map but see for yourself.
AIRPORT [2Player]: Resources limited, 2 bunkers available for early funds (limited 10000), each player starts with a medium filled derrick, 1 more derrick available but you have to fight for it.
AIRPORT [2Player] XTRA: Good amount of resources available (2 bunker a 50000) + 2 extra derricks a 90000 but they are defended by 3rd party troops, on this map you`ll have some difficulty to even get close to your enemy. More the „fun“ version 🙂 …

AIRPORT [3Player]: This map I made by request of ARUS, good for fast FFA Games, all players start close to each other, extra derricks available but who will survive to even get to those ?
AIRPORT [4Player]: Designed for some longer battles, resources on this one are pretty much, each player can reach one extra derrick and a bunker pretty fast from the start.
AIRPORT [6Player]: Resources are more limited on this one, the players starting in the middle will have to fight from the start for a 3rd derrick, but its worth it 🙂
AIRPORT [8Player]: Resources are not the problem on this map, more the mass battle map …

– apply the latest patch (
– extract the content of this file to: „installdirectory“AOWCustomMaps
(sensitive! : e.g.: c:program filesactofwarhightreasonAOWCustomMaps)
– select ingame under CustomMaps tab.


Webiste: http://www.AoWMaps.Net

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