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Neue Version des GCM Mods

Heute gibtt es wieder eine schöne Modifikation für Act of War: High Treason:

Beschreibung: Die neuste Version des GCM Mods für Act of War: High Treason von Blahdy, diese Modifikation beinhaltet auch den AI Special Force Mod von Salsifi und bietet somit ein sehr guten AI NAVY Support:

The GCM mod changes aspects of the gameplay in focus of enhanced single-player experience, and to bring some of the weapon systems a little bit more closer to those of the real-world.

what’s New in Version 2.0:
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1. NOW INCLUDING Salsifi’s AI Special Forces Mod with AI Naval Combat Support!
a) Salsifi’s AI Special Forces mod is now included in GCM 2.0.0 for additional fun game-play.
Defend your base from aggressive AI tactics using the new enhanced ADATS and Sentry turrets
and automated vehicle healing! Also play naval games against the AI using improved naval
defense from anti-ship missiles!

2. Naval improvements:
a) All U.S. warships now have Phalanx Block-1B upgrade package to their CIWS installations.
Even Oliver Hazard Perry frigate can now more effectively defend itself from anti-ship
b) DDG-51 Arleigh Burke class destroyer is now the principal air-defense platform for
anti-ship warfare. RIM-116B Rolling Airframe Missile replaces the Standard Missile,
giving it the most powerful anti-air defense for battlegroup. Arleigh Burke can now
also launch torpedos against submarines.

The revised Arleigh Burke doesn’t necessarily imbalance the game, it simply requires
the user to use a different tactic to take down the principal destroyer. The ship
is less effective in defending against Harpoon missiles when they are coming from
all directions. It doesn’t take a lot of ships to take Arleigh Burke down when they
are strategically placed to outflank the destroyer.

c) Task Force Talon warships (both DD(X) experimental and San Antonio) now have RIM-116B
SeaRAM upgrade to Rolling Airframe Missile installations. Ships can more effectively
defend from anti-ship missiles.

3. Unit improvements:
a) Apache AH-64D now has a longer vision range. Hydra rockets are not yet available but
planned for future.

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